Funding and Ethical Approval


The Candlelighters Trust has supported the work of the Yorkshire Register YSRCCYP for 30 years, and has announced their continuation to do so until November 2022. In total, we have received over £1.5M in funding from the Candlelighters Trust.

Ethical Approval

The YSRCCYP has ethical approval from the Northern and Yorkshire Multi Centre Research Ethics Committee (MREC, REC Reference: 00/3/001) and approval under section 251 of the NHS Act (2006) for holding identifiable patient data from the Health Research Authority Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG Reference 20/CAG/0133).

If you would like to learn more about your rights, how we use your data and your ability to opt out, please refer to our Privacy and Fair Processing Statement and our Opt-Out Policy.

The YSRCCYP is also overseen by a Scientific Advisory Group.